Prices for basic services of «ASTANAPATENT» LLP»

Dear customers!

Prices for our services do not include tariffs for public services (Prices of the «National Institute of Intellectual Property» of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Prices for other services listed in the «Services» section can be found by phone: +7 775 563 0959, +7 705 399 9980, or send an email request

Based on your request, the experts of the Agency of patent attorneys «ASTANAPATENT» will calculate and provide a commercial offer.

When registering and patenting intellectual property objects, a state expert organization — RSE NIIP of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan charges fees according to the prices of works and services sold by the Republican state enterprise on the basis of economic jurisdiction «National Institute of Intellectual Property» of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.